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Beer – #453 – Badger – Fursty Ferret *A redux*

MrsPdubyah has been buying me random beer at the supermarket, this time Badger Fursty Ferret, which was beer #6 on the list of beers that I’ve been writing about so far, it seems so long ago. I rated it then a 7 on my newly made up and arbitrary scale of things.

Brewed by Badger (Hall & Woodhouse)  in the style that is  Bitter and they are in Blandford Forum, England

A 500ml bottle of beer that contains 4.4% ABV of beer, making it about 132 calories a serve, and 1.74 standard drink units n NZ.

Bottle: Pasteurised.

Nice looking beer in the bottle there

Nice looking beer in the bottle there

Named in honour of the inquisitive and extremely “fursty” ferrets of the Gribble Inn, a celebrated golden brown ale, full of character.
At the heart of many a countryside village can be found an inn. A place where locals go to relax after a long day. At one such inn, rumour has it that inquisitive ferrets would sneak to the back door to cheekily sample the local brew.

A sweet nutty palate, hoppy aroma and a hint of Seville oranges, give this tawny amber ale its distinctive personality. Recommended with smooth and creamy West Country Cheddar or indulgent pork pies and mustard.

I wonder what it’s like so many beers and tastes later?

It looks nice in the bottle, golden orange, the label says “Moresih and Malty” so that’d be a clue.

Unmistakable English Beer aroma. Fantastic pour to the glass, nice firm white head of the right depth so that nothing spilled. I am a master of this pouring thing.

Badger Fursty FerretBitter is of it’s own style, and you can get sucked into thinking that you might be getting a hoppy beer. Not true.

You get a beer that has a bitter flavour that is in and of itself.

To the man who had a lot of beers all over the spectrum this then could be cast aside as “thin” and “bodiless” but that would be an injustice. After all that is the style.

I’d compare it to, and making a long draw, something like a lager style, one that has a flavour thing, and no frills about the edges.

I don’t get the Seville Oranges that are spoken about, but that does not mean that the beer isn’t sweet and it carries itself well. It is easy and gently drinking, but unless you’ve got no other choice this might get a tad wearing and dull for a session of, they do mention that food accompaniment is sort of needed in the blurb. I settled for a slice of the home made ginger loaf.

Ginger Loaf

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 7 a of its things from the thing.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? I made myself think about it, and it’s lack of flavour caught me out. I enjoyed it as a beverage.
  2. Would I have another? Oh no I think I’ll skip it.
  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Possibly if you brought any of the foods suggested, otherwise not really.

I was listening to new album “Brill Bruisers” from the band “The New Pornographers”  They’re a  Canadian indie rock band of some note and ability.


Goodly Pop music for a saturday afternoon said I


A gold to copper color, low carbonation and medium to high bitterness. Hop flavor and aroma may be non-existent to mild. Great to drink with steak and lobster

One comment on “Beer – #453 – Badger – Fursty Ferret *A redux*

  1. beernotwar
    September 9, 2014

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