A life just as ordinary

Just like you, but different

4:25 am and the clock goes tick-tick-tick Musings


There’s an awful lot of your sleeping hours taken up dreaming.

A majority of your dreams take place during REM sleep, the dreams you experience in REM sleep are usually more vivid than non-REM sleep dreams. Like Movies are to still pictures.

You can claim to remember your dreams when you wake up, but I’m not sure that’s true. And even if it were true what dream scene are you remembering, the last few seconds of the last REM sleep you had, and when you ‘wake’ does your wake brain take over and let you imagine or continue to ‘dream’ the dream you thought you had.

And be honest, even if you think you can ‘remember’ your dream, within a really short time you’ve forgotten it completely. And that’s just the ‘last’ dream you had in that sleep.

What about all the others? The average person has three to five dreams per night, and some may have up to seven, who knows really. But there’s usually more than one, and which is the one you remembered when you awoke?

What would happen if you recorded your dreams?.After all we can judge from brain-wave patterns and eye movements that you’re in a ‘dream’ state.

What if dreams were visions of the future, what if your dreams foretold a future for you that you never knew or experienced, except perhaps that Deja Vu moment, or is Deja Vu just a glitch of the brain where the moment isn’t recorded properly and that tiny gap makes you think you’re doe this before?

What would happen if you recorded your dreams? Or could record your dreams?. Would the act of preparing to record your dreams have an effect on what you dreamt?

What if you replayed the first of the dreams you had that night, not the last one, and just the first one? What if you played it on a loop for a while?

What if you replayed your dreams, not to yourself but to someone else?

You could use transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or transcranial electrical stimulation (TES). TMS involves using a magnetic field, TES involves passing a low-level electrical current through the scalp to stimulate the brain. You could use Binaural beats. You could use Isochronic tones, sound waves.

You could. Perhaps.

You could use drugs to induce dream states, “oneirogens” or “dream herbs.” – mugwort, valerian root, passionflower, mushrooms amongst others.

What if you started by just being deprived of dream state sleep?

What if dreams were visions of the future? What if your dreams foretold a future for you that you never realised or experienced? What if they were precognition events? You don’t remember your dreams, why would you? What if you could? What if you did?

Dreams are a personal thing, you dream in the 1st person. You don’t dream that you are, for instance, president of the US of A,I mean perhaps you do or have, but you’re not, you are most certainly not POTUS in the real world. As you’re not an Astronaut, Submarine Captain, Balloonist, or able to fly,or be invisible, amongst the many things you are.

You might have met, or been in queues, had a quip with, nodded, said hello or sat next to 10’s of thousands of people in your life. And whilst it is doubtful, put possible that you are POTUS or an Astronaut you’re most certainly not having the ability to become invisible or to fly.

You’re just you, being you amongst all the other yous.. All with their own 1st person dreams, and their daydreams, perhaps of being POTUS, and Astronaut or even being able to be invisible.

They’ll tell you that Using dreams to commit a crime is not possible.

You’d think it was improbable.

The thing is with most crimes is that there’s no real plan. There’s a lot of variables, you can’t predict how people will react, who wants to be hero.

Lets think about robbing a bank. You can’t plan on robbing a bank, I mean who uses money, and how are you planning on spending cash for everything. The rules are tilted against you, and honestly how many money laundering ventures do you know of. Perhaps you rob a bank of cash money. Perhaps a lot of it. You’ve then got the next bit of the plan, do you leave the local vicinity and set up somewhere else with all that cash, but you can’t spend so much cash that you get noticed, and you can’t spend so little that it was pointless.

What happens if perhaps you try to swap your cash money for electronic money, in , ironically, a bank? There are some businesses with a lot of cash, drug dealers, those at the top, I’m aware there’s a lot of money in drugs. You can’t just meander up to them and ask them to swap your cash for electronic cash, they’ve got all the cash they need. They might sell you some drugs or something else. But they’re unlikely to swap your paper money for electronic money. They might, it’s not probably though. I’ve seen TV shows where casinos are used to wash cash through, don’t you think that there are checks and balances for that? You might go to a casino, change some cash for chips and win, or lose some. and then turn that into electronic money, I don’t know if you can do that, or if casinos can do that. They’ve been known to bend rules and they’re stacked against you, the rules that is, the casinos are always stacked against you.

The problem is that you left your pre-bank robbing location and have moved to a new location. You don’t think someone will miss you, report you missing, and pretty sure that using your own name to open a new bank account is not as super secret as you think it might be. But you’ve done just that.

I mean I guess it’s just how important you were in your pre-bank robbing days to those that might miss you should you up and leave. You might even have thought this through and opened bank accounts years before in other places that you thought you’d go to, with all that bank account money.

But then using a dream to commit a bank robbery is rather fraught with other difficulties isn’t it.
Let’s say dreams are precognition events, what’s that timeline look like? Sure you might wake and remember a dream where you’re a sunny beach looking at the sea, but was that really the dream, or the bit you made up after you awoke. Be honest you didn’t look at a calendar in your dreams, you have no idea what that timeline looks like, even if it is a real thing. How is that helping you to rob a bank of cash. It is possible that as a teenager you thought to open bank accounts here and there and in some way keep them active and with banks that remained in business. Do you know why you did that? Or more probably you didn’t do that.

So there’s the quandary. You’re going to have to cultivate a lot of long term friendships if you want to rob a bank for cash, using dreams and a method for precognition of events, and yet also be anonymous and without suspicion when you leave and disappear to somewhere new. You are disappearing, you’re not staying in your apartment with loads of cash living the same life, depositing a few hundred dollars here and there laundering the money a few bills at a time. And yet you’ve no idea when this bank robbing precognition will happen, or if indeed it will happen.

Lets just rule out robbing banks for cash.

There’s at least two questions that sill remain
Can you capture your dreams?
Can you capture other people’s dreams?

And yet still two more
Can you replay your dreams, to yourself, or to others?
Can you watch or have other people’s recorded dreams ?

There’s two things that are quite simple, relatively speaking
Capturing your dreams and transmitting them.

Capturing them means wearing a few wires, transmitting them? What you might need is a SubSonic Wave Generator. What you might do is use the earth wire in your standard house or apartments to transmit the signal through.

… I’m sure there’s more on this that I haven’t thought about let alone through.

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This entry was posted on June 6, 2024 by in Justsaying and tagged , , , , , , .

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