A life just as ordinary

Just like you, but different

Beer – #572 – Harrington’s – The Rogue Hop Organic Pilsner

So to a Harrington’s “The Rogue Hop” an Organic Pilsner.

“.. brewed using organic malt and hops..”

This is a 500ml bottle of a beer that is 5% ABV, and at 50 IBU things,  so that would be 2 standard drink units in the bottle. and 150 calories a serve size,

Brewed by Harringtons Breweries (Christchurch) in the style that is of Pilsener and they are in Christchurch, New Zealand

Organic as opposed to inorganic?

Organic as opposed to inorganic?

Brewed with Organic Malt and Hops to the style of a Bohemian Pilsner with our own Rogue Hop to give it an exciting strong yet lingering hop finish.

A great one for a mouth feel challenge!

What could possibly go wrong?

That has a nice hop fresh aroma on opening.

That aroma really blooms in the glass on the pour. Really pale and with a really decent fluffy head to top it out. very inviting.

The Rogue Hop Organic PilsnerI was expecting more ‘bite’ in the palate, that distinctive thing, with this it’s less pronounced but that doesn’t seem to handicap what was a nice first impression.

The profile of this seems to be very even and the tastes are all there at the same time and without a dominant thing, making it really quite quaffable really.

The hop aroma is a really nice greeting to the nose as you lift to tip, sadly though this doesn’t translate to the hopiness in the beer that I would like.

A beer that talks a good talk then, all the things it has and does are good but not quite great. I’ve had worse though, trust me, this isn’t a bad drinking beer.

As it warms some of the hop grassiness begins to show through, it leaves it late.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 8 a of its things from the thing. That makes this on the arbitrary scale as ‘very good’ it is nicer than some Pilsener beers that I’ve had, and not as good as some others. There isn’t a lot that you would take away as memorable from this though, it is at the end of the glass just another Lager beer, just a bit better than some.  

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? I am, it’s not bad.
  2. Would I have another? I think you could easily persuade me that it would be a good idea.
  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? It is great but it isn’t a show off beer, there are other easily accessible beers of this style that are priced more sensitively.
Note: I was provided this beer by the brewer to try and review, without catches,  this is 1 of 12 should you wonder about the sudden love of a brewer out of the blue.

Musically then I was listening to “The Black Keys” for no reason at all, the album of course “El Camino” Listen here

The Black Keys is an American rock duo formed in Akron, Ohio in 2001 – this track “Lonely Boy”

Brilliant video.


While the definition of “pilsner” is open to much debate in the beer community, it generally refers to pale, hoppy lagers, ranging from 28 IBUs and up.

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